Business Digest Radio
WEEKLY RADIO SHOW - Initially airing on AM1460/101.1FM, The Answer on Friday afternoons at 3:00PM. Southeastern Colorado, anchored by the economies of Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and dozens of other communities is steadily emerging to be one of the state’s leading and most dynamic economic regions. Listen to regional industry, business, and economic development experts as they work with municipalities and a strong workforce to advance So. Colorado as one of the western region’s top business and innovation centers. SPONSORED BY BOOT BARN HALL/NOTES LIVE & COS Orthopaedic Group

Monday Jul 01, 2024
James Anderson - Small Business Partner at Dad's Donuts
Monday Jul 01, 2024
Monday Jul 01, 2024
What do you call a 109-layer pastry? A delicious treat from Dad's Donuts!
From Woodland Park to Hollywood, and back to COS, entrepreneur and partner at Colorado Springs' newest delectable retail spot, Dad's Donuts, James Anderson unpacks how this newest take on the all-American treat has been elevated to a near art form.
The Springs' downtown food options scene has been growing steadily for nearly seven years. Joining restauranteur, Mitch Yellen, James talks about the evolution and mission of this concept store located at 29 E Moreno in downtown Colorado Springs.
Taking the retail food service employment model into a mission to create great customer experiences at every opportunity, learn how this dynamic and visionary team has launched a local sensation.

Thursday Jun 13, 2024
U.S. Small Business Adminitration Region VIII Administrator Aikta Marcoulier
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Small Business support has never been more accessible than in today's world.
Most small business owners are excellent at their specific niche or skill. But where does one go when help is needed for required business tasks with which a business owner is not well informed? Financials - Permitting - Real Estate - Marketing - Media - Legal issues, and the list goes on...
Today's U.S. Small Business Administration is powerfully equipped to assist small businesses throughout southern Colorado no matter what phase your business is in: early stage, mature, succession planning and no matter what industry.
The best news is, these expert support resources are available to business owners and operators are at no charge to the business. Through each community's Small Business Development Center (the SBA's local outreach and support organizations), business owners can meet with industry experts who can coach leaders on topics they are not familiar with to advance their business.
Listen in as Region VIII Administrator Aikta Marcoulier unpacks the countless ways the SBA is here to help Colorado small businesses.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Lyle Small, Founder & CEO - Lahjavida Cancer Research
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Chromatic Technologies, Inc., or CTI, was founded by Cornell University chemistry student Lyle Small in his dorm in 1993. After a long-shot pitch in 2002 and five long years of R&D later in 2007, Coors' brewery would adopt Small's thermo-chromic technology (temperature sensitive dye), moving the brand to become the second best selling domestic beer in the U.S.
Fast forward to an interaction Small had with a colleague who was demonstrating the dye's propensity to bond to nano particles of gold. While interesting, Small didn't give it much thought until he was happened to catch a 60 Minutes episode on cancer research just a few weeks later. This interaction in the lab, and the news report Small happened to catch on television proved to be a series of unusual, but fateful events.
Small's new cancer research company, Lahjavida (pronounced: la-yah-vē-da) meaning, Gift of Life (combination of Finnish & Portuguese) has developed proprietary technology that combines the dye and gold particles together using a specific chemical linkage that preserves the selective binding characteristics of the dye to cancer cells, providing a delivery system for the gold particles to kill tumor cells.
Listen in and learn more about this exciting new frontier in the fight against cancer. Visit

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Pioneering K-12 Education Leaders in Colorado Springs Prepare to Launch Innovation Tech School - The Colorado Springs School of Technology.
Michael Gaal, Superintendent of Colorado Springs School District 11, Vance Brown, software executive/entrepreneur and co-founder of Exponential Impact, and experienced school principal Nathan Gorsch showcase how a vision for a fresh, new learning track for STEM-oriented students, has become a reality.
This unique learning environment places students in front of top educators who are intimately familiar with the region's tech ecosystem job requirements of a number of high-tech, cyber, and aerospace employers.
Listen in as these dynamic leaders unpack how they have partnered with area influencers like The U.S. Air Force Academy, Space ISAC, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, Exponential Impact, and others have constructed the school into an active academic setting for kids who are interested and excited about the high tech jobs of tomorrow.
Learn more here and register for Fall 2024 semester.
At COS School of Technology, OUR MISSION is to create an innovative learning environment where students excel in Space, Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurship, and Ethics, all while embracing character-based education. Our core values, emphasizing ethical leadership and social responsibility, are at the heart of our approach. Recognizing the vital role of humanities in our STEM curriculum, we integrate subjects like history, literature, philosophy, and the arts. This enriches students' understanding of human experiences, ethical dilemmas, and societal contexts. OUR VISION is to cultivate students who merge technical proficiency with ethical values, encouraging them to become pioneers in critical fields. CSST upholds our core principles in a holistic educational approach to unite forward-thinkers prepared to shape the future.

Friday May 24, 2024
Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade - May 2024 Update
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
The 42nd Mayor of the City of Colorado Springs Hon. Yemi Mobolade discusses important topics facing his the community and his Administration as of May 2024. Items include: EMS (emergency medical service) - Mayor Mobolade cites unacceptable response times (too high) and the rising costs, then unpacks what the City plans to do about it to ensure national standards for response.
The Mayor also discusses child care shortage and how this dynamic impacts service member families, as well as civilian workforce and employers. Mobolade also share the progress on the 1,000 Neighborhood Gatherings project that got underway this month.
Also: November ballot item #2C(road work), #housing (availability and affordability), #infrastructure, #economicdevelopment, #publicsafety, and more.
To learn more about the Administration's work, utilities, and other matters the City of Colorado Springs it attending to, visit website:

Tuesday May 21, 2024
SherryLynn Boyles, President & CEO - Joint Initiatives
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
President & CEO of Joint Initiatives, SherryLynn Boyles joins Business Digest Weekly to talk about the region's childcare coverage gap for children 5 years of age and younger, and what Pikes Peak Region leaders are doing together to address the problem.
There are nearly 45,000 children five years and younger in El Paso and Teller Counties. Only 16,000 spots exist for quality, certified child care. Of the 29,000 remaining, it is estimated 17,000 spots are need for working families.
The challenge impacts everyone involved: working parents, the children and employers.
Listen in as SherryLynn unpacks how we as a community can meet this economic and early childhood development requirement.
Learn more:

Thursday May 09, 2024
Author, Speaker, Brand Consultant, Suzanne Tulien
Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
Marketing vs. Branding
Ten's of millions of dollars are spent annually on premature marketing endeavors on the part of small to mid-size businesses that feel the sense of urgency to get to market quickly and start to gain traction with prospective customers.
Speak, author and brand consultant Suzanne Tulien encourages business owners to examine their brand more closely - inside and out - before embarking on expensive marketing campaigns that may miss the mark. Not because the creative wasn't good or that particular medium doesn't work. Although that too may be a factor due to a lack of insight or awareness about how your brand is being experienced or perceived by audiences.
Great branding takes in to account a great many things including customer experience, internal culture, training of employees on your brand's unique position, messaging and experience, and so much more. Listen in to gain a few pearls of wisdom from this talented business coach on how to ready your business for marketing success by first examining your brand from head to toe - inside and out.
For more information or to pick up one of Suzanne's books, go to:

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Jeff Crank (R), Candidate for Colorado's 5th Congressional District
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn will not be seeking re-election in November to a seat he's held since winning his first bid in 2006 (January 3, 2007) - Colorado's 5th Congressional District. The seat represents the Colorado Springs area.
The announcement of Lamborn's departure from Washington, D.C. gave inspiration to Republican candidate, Jeff Crank who ran against Lamborn in 2006 primary race. Crank now has Lamborn's formal endorsement for the seat.
Jeff discusses his desire and strategy to take on several key points impacting southern Coloradans, including the porous southern border, the U.S. Department of Education, and his support for the economic drivers that have made Colorado Springs the headquarters for Space Comm, Space Force and a number of strong-sectors such as cybersecurity, advanced manufacturing and aerospace and defense.
To learn more about Jeff's campaign, and how you can get involved, go to:

Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Nathaniel Shull - City of Fountain Economic Development Commission
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
City of Fountain Economic Development Commission specialist, Nathaniel (Nate) Schull joins EDC Board chair, Dan Osinski on this week's Business Digest Weekly to explain how the City of Fountain is in the early stages of a renaissance and a great location for manufacturing, distribution and cyber.
Learn about the City's Wayfinding sign plan, and other offerings by the EDC.
The City of Fountain serves as the Commercial Spine as a source of goods and lifestyle services to the greater Fountain Valley market. Serving a broader population (109,639 pop.) than just the city limits and the ability to offer a bountiful array of sites for market-based business placement potential within the city and greater Valley community.

Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Sue Smith, Executive Director - Christian P. Anschutz Foundation
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Sue Smith, originally from Pueblo, Colorado, and current Executive Director of the Christian P. Anschutz Foundation has enjoyed an illustrious career in the public service and volunteer world nearly her entire professional life. She is a champion for veterans and for the American values she sees as universal regardless of political affiliation:
Honor, Integrity, and Patriotism
She also serves as Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Center for American Values located in Pueblo.
The Center for American Values’ organizational mission is based on the need for a national initiative to identify, document, and disseminate information about individuals, groups, and organizations whose character attributes relate directly to the values this great country was founded on.
The Center for American Values purpose is to connect with individuals and organizations at all socio-economic levels through our programs including HIP Online Civics Based Education, Portraits of Valor Exhibit, On Values Speaker Series, and American Values Narratives Project.

It's Time to Do Business in So. Colorado!
Listen in on how regional economic development & industry executives are growing the So. Colorado business world. From Health & Wellness to Cyber, Space Command, Aerospace & Defense, Technology, Agriculture, Amateur Sports, Higher Ed, and more!
WEEKLY RADIO SHOW - Initially airing on AM1460/101.1FM, The Answer - A Salem Media station.
Southeastern Colorado, anchored by the economies of Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and dozens of other communities is steadily emerging to be one of the state’s leading and most dynamic economic regions. It is this region, the So.Co. Business Forum & Digest will focus on primarily.